Public Works Director & City Engineer
814-371-2000 Ext. 208
The City of DuBois Street Crew maintains city roads and streets totaling approximately 43.36 miles. This includes both paved and dirt roads. They also maintain numerous city owned parking lots and sidewalks. In addition, the crew maintains a number of parks throughout the City, including Memorial Park, Beaver Meadow Walkway, Showers Field and Tannery Dam.
The water source for the City of DuBois is surface water from the Anderson Creek Reservoir. Additionally, the DuBois Reservoir is fed by three principal streams; Anderson Creek, Dressler Run and Montgomery Run. The reservoir was first constructed in 1903, subsequently expanded in 1925 and again in 1936. It covers 210 acres, has a perimeter of 5 miles and collects surface water from a drainage area of 26.2 square miles. The reservoir was designed to contain 615,000,000 gallons of water. The water is treated at the DuBois Water Treatment Plant.
In November 2015, the City of DuBois added a groundwater source (water wells) to the water supply system. There are a total of 4 new water wells that have the capability of supplying up to a total of 1,500,000 gallons of water per day to the City of DuBois. Unlike the Anderson Creek Reservoir, the water wells are located in the Ohio River watershed.
The finished water has two primary 2,000,000-gallon water storage tanks; the Highland Tank and the Patterson Tank. In addition to the reservoir, wells, treatment plant and storage tanks, the water department also operates and maintains more than 55 miles of water distribution lines and over 525 fire hydrants throughout the City of DuBois and Sandy Township.
The City of DuBois owns and operates a wastewater treatment facility and sanitary sewage collection system which provides service to residents of the City of DuBois, Falls Creek Borough, portions of Sandy Township, and a small portion of Washington Township. The City's 4.4 MGD treatment facility provides preliminary, primary, and secondary treatment, as well as disinfection and sludge processing.
The City's collection system is gravity-based and consists of approximately 253,000 linear feet of pipe ranging in diameter from 8-inch collection main lines to 36-inch interceptors. The collection system consists of a variety of materials, including clay pipe, concrete pipe, PVC pipe, and precast concrete and brick manholes.
© City of DuBois, 2025